Due to the increasing unreliability of Feedburner, my automated email subscription service, I'm likely going to switch to an alternative called FeedPress. I'll make every effort (with FeedPress's help) to make this transition as smooth as possible.
I'm not certain when the transition will happen, but it will probably be soon. My hope is that your subscription will continue uninterrupted, but I wanted you to be aware of the upcoming change in case there are hiccups. (A spoonful of peanut butter works well for those, by the way....)
If you're among those who have at some point tried to subscribe by email without success, I think this transition will provide a remedy. Stay tuned. I want you to be included in our reading community and am very grateful that you brought the problems with Feedburner to my attention.
Thanks in advance for your forbearance and patience during this transition.
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