
Friday, June 27, 2014

Curator's Note: Wise, or Not Too Wise?

Some readers weren't pleased with today's selection, given the poet's fabrication. I understand that. Using the words of Morgan was definitely a risk, and I pondered hard before posting them. Perhaps I erred, but please hear my reasons, of which these were primary:

(1) I wanted to use this opportunity to clear up the attribution. I'm troubled by the fact that Morgan's poem is still being widely circulated as the words of a real (and aboriginal) poet. I wanted to help correct this, especially so that a fabricated representation of aboriginal culture couldn’t continue to be promoted as true.

(2) I wanted readers to wrestle—mindfully—with the notion of whether wise words might still be received as wise despite their source. For I do believe that, despite the fabrication, there is an amount of wisdom in Morgan's writing.

As I said, this selection was risky. But I feel that I would do it again, and perhaps be the wiser by explaining my choice.

Care to respond?

Deep peace,


  1. I hope you will continue to post interesting and worthwhile poetry even when you do not approve of the author's politics or beliefs or questionable ethics. It doesn't necessarily take away from the value of their work. I always try to read something about the authors of the works you post and was not familiar with Morgan's book - thank you for contributing to my ongoing education! Love your blog.

    1. Thank you for your reflections on this, Bette. I appreciate what you're saying. Deep peace--PCD

  2. Since you provided the context and the controversy, I think it is okay to publish; however, the stench of cultural appropriation lingers on the poem itself.

    1. "The stench of cultural appropriation..." Powerful language! Thanks, Donna. Deep peace--PCD

  3. I think giving attention to someone who has lied to get attention isn't appropriate, but thank you for asking our opinion.

  4. Thanks, Nini. This is a difficult call, I think, with no "correct" answer. Deep peace--PCD

  5. I knew nothing about Ms. Morgan, or her fabrication, or the controversy surrounding it. On first reading, I liked the poem. On subsequent reads, I still like it. In fact, few of our poets, and few of us, would be considered paragons of integrity and truth. But truth will out, often in the most unlikely places. I was once asked by a prisoner why I came in to do volunteer work, and I said, "God is here." And that's the truth.

    So, for this poem, as for those that have and will continue to come through you, I am so very grateful, and I thank you with all my heart.

    --Comment submitted by email by David O'Barr, who offered it for posting.


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